Sunday, January 1, 2023

Easy Ways To Lose Weight Losing Weight Made Simple

Easy Ways To Lose Weight Losing Weight Made Simple

Easy Ways To Lose Weight Losing Weight Made Simple

Easy Ways To Lose Weight Losing Weight Made Simple

For many Americans, being fit and healthy starts with losing weight. Losing weight isn't just about looking good, it's also about feeling good. Heart disease is a huge problem in the US causing 25% of all deaths in the US. The CDC predicts that one-third of the adult population in the United States will develop type 2 diabetes. Both diseases are totally preventable. In fact, both are directly related to being overweight. That is, if you're overweight, you're more likely to get heart disease and type 2 diabetes than someone who isn't. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The problem is that losing weight isn't easy for most people at risk. In fact, it may seem completely impossible. The thing is, there is no easy way to lose weight.

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 Losing weight requires simple lifestyle changes that are not easy because they require a change in mindset. To lose weight, we must adjust our eating habits and activity level. Diet and exercise. Simple. The difficulty is that our eating habits are formed in childhood, passed down from generation to generation. As children we have no control over what we eat and where we go. We may or may not learn bad eating habits which we then pass on to our children. Healthy eating isn't just about fewer calories and more salad. It means eating whole foods, foods that haven't been processed. simple concept. It's not always easy to do. The same goes for exercise. If exercise and physical activity weren't a part of your upbringing, chances are that exercise isn't even on your radar. Which probably means you'll need to tweak your entire schedule to fit exercise into your daily routine as an adult. simple concept. Hard to run.

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Here are some tips that can make it easier to make simple diet and exercise changes to reach your weight and health goals: 


Discover your relationship with food. Do you eat to survive? Do you eat when you're bored? Do you eat to celebrate? Do you eat when you are sad? You can recognize what drives you to eat when it's not necessary.

Start gradually by eliminating processed foods from your diet. Anything packed in a box or bag and stored at room temperature likely contains ingredients your body can't process. This also includes fast food. Eating them won't help you lose weight. simple concept. It's not easy to do.

Don't wait to get to the gym to train. Find ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Park in a distant parking lot. Hand delivery of notes and documents. Exercise BEFORE you start your day. Taking a brisk walk or jog early in the day boosts your metabolism and gets the endorphins flowing. Working out at night might sound better in theory, but sometimes after a long day you just don't feel like it. Other times things just come out. Life happens and it is possible that you will miss your work outings.

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Losing weight can be difficult. There is no easy way to do this. Simple lifestyle changes aren't easy, but they make a big difference in your weight loss progress. Simple is effective, but it's almost never easy.


I am a medical laboratory scientist with an entrepreneurial spirit. As a healthcare professional, health and well-being are very important to me. I take pride in helping people live healthy lifestyles, physically and financially. Call me at (410) 929-0302 for your free health and wellness consultation. Click here >>>

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