Saturday, March 16, 2019

Type 2 diabetes is something you're stuck with for life

Type 2 diabetes is something you're stuck with for life

Diabetes: Most powerful solution on earth that normalises blood sugar/glucose, restores health within 90 days


Hypoglycemic Capsules Hypoglycemic Capsules is very effective in managing diabetes. It works by smooth sugar lowering, activation of islets, regulates/stabilizes blood sugar (high and low) and prevents complications. THIS IS THE MOST POWERFUL SOLUTION ON EARTH THAT HELPS TO NORMALISE BLOOD SUGAR/GLUCOSE AND also helps to reverse any type of diabetes within 90 days. Hypoglycemic Capsules helps to Restores the function of the pancreas to secrete insulin. Reduces blood sugar level. Very potent and very effective supplement. You can see the ingredient and other useful information on the bottle of the product once you get yours. It contacts 30 capsules which you’re expected to take 1 capsules daily. For NO REASON SHOULD YOU TAKE MORE THAN 1 capsules daily. So, with my wife’s help, I combined all this life-saving research into this one simple page you’re reading today. The night we finished, we were sitting at my kitchen table. We’d just shared a hearty meal (something we’d never be able to do if I hadn’t reversed my diabetes). I told my wife, “This is it. The answer for everyone with Type 2 Diabetes. It’s their key to freedom.” We could both feel how big this was. We knew there’d be people who would want to shut us down, but we were determined to share the truth. With this Hypoglycemic capsules, you can say goodbye to a life full of frustration and fear, and start enjoying freedom from diabetes. Now you might be wondering… How fast can you expect to see results? Well, in Dr. Taylor tested people at 90 days, and then at 60 days. By 60 days, about 50% of the participants had normal blood glucose levels. By 90 days, 100% of the participants had reversed their Type 2 Diabetes. The fastest it’s happened was 16 days. So if you start using the Hypoglycemic capsules today, you could be diabetes free in less than 60 days. Here’s what it could be like for you: Your 1st Month with Hypoglycemic Capsules: A lot of people say they have more energy on the very first day. You’ll wake up feeling more refreshed and well rested than you have in years. This month, as you test your blood glucose levels, you’ll notice that number getting closer and closer to where it should be. Your 2nd Months with Hypoglycemic Capsules: A week from today, you’ll realize you’ve needed fewer insulin injections. As you start into your second month with this solution, you’ll discover that it feels like there are more hours in the day, and you’re getting more done. The truth is, you’re so used to being exhausted all the time, that suddenly having energy feels fantastic. If you suffer from painful, tingling neuropathy, you should notice that starting to disappear around the end of the second month. Your 3rd Month (Complete Treatment Month) with Hypoglycemic Capsules: Over the next couple months, as you finish the hypoglycemic capsules, your pancreas will kick back into gear, and your body will remember how to absorb insulin. Your blood glucose will stay at a healthy, normal level. You’ll be able to stop taking insulin injections. You’ll be able to talk to your doctor, and see the surprised look on his face just like I saw on my doctor’s face when he saw my Type 2 Diabetes was gone. If you start today, then less than 3 months from today you could be free to enjoy life, and never again worry about diabetes-related early death or amputation. If that sounds as amazing to you as it has to thousands of other people, then don’t hesitate any longer… Now, to be clear, I don’t recommend anyone stop taking their medication. Instead, it’s best to naturally jumpstart your pancreas, naturally lowering your blood sugar, until your doctor is glad to cancel your prescriptions. I’m not against all medications. For some diseases, medications are the only known path to healing. But Type 2 Diabetes is not one of those diseases. Your medication only helps with the symptoms. And once you jumpstart your pancreas to fix the real cause of your disease, you won’t have symptoms anymore, and you can work with your doctor to say “goodbye” to annoying, expensive diabetes medicines forever. You know, I’d love to give this away free, like I did to the first few friends I helped. I’d love to help every single person who has found themselves trapped in the shackles of Type 2 Diabetes suddenly jumpstart their pancreas and have their diabetes reversed. And if I had all the money in the world to fund this myself, I would. But the reality is… We’re up against some pretty big forces here. I told you how the big pharmaceutical companies make $245 billion a year on treating diabetes. They have all the money they need to practically bury anything we do to share this message with the world. So I need your help, in the form of giving me a fair price for this solution that could radically change your life for the better. It deduct the cost of shipping from China to USA where it was sent for FDA Approval, the cost of shipping to Nigeria, NAFDAC Clearance and Custom Duties clearance, the cost of even delivering to your home, and other basic expense, I’ll say the below prices are certainly a fair price, compared to even the monthly cost of insulin and other diabetic medications. I could tell you it’s worth 100,000 Naira. And it probably is, since it’ll save you 100,000 Naira on medical costs every year. My wife and I could get rich, maybe, if we charged that much for it. (Big pharma may be comfortable charging you 100,000 Naira to put a Band-Aid on your diabetes, but I’m not that kind of person). I may be a chef, but I’m just a regular guy. I don’t want to stiff you on this. I want you to feel like you’re getting way more value than the little investment you make. And so I think that these prices are just perfect and considerate so you get some serious savings, and you help us spread this message even wider. Take a second and imagine what it’ll be like to finally be able to throw away your diabetes medication and feel in control of your life again. It’s time to be free of Type 2 Diabetes. Here is The Cost of the Hypoglycemic Capsules … 1 Month Treatment: (1 Bottle) = 25,000 Naira 2 Month Treatment: (2 Bottle) = 45,000 Naira 3 Month Treatment: (3 Bottle) = 60,000 Naira The Most Recommended Treatment Is the 2 Bottles OR The 3 Bottles. If you can, Buy The 3 Bottles at once. I encourage you to order the 3 bottles because you’ll get the desired result with that and you won’t have to keep spending money on this again. 3 months’ treatment is the very BEST! For a severe diabetes; that’s anyone with a wound on the leg, I will advise you call us for special treatment. Or Better still, Order for the 3 Bottles. Let me show you what people I’ve already helped have said about this Hypoglycemic Capsules. “Your Hypoglycemic Capsules is simply the very best solution to my diabetes, and you had the science to back it up. I thought I’d be stuck with Type 2 diabetes forever. But now I’ve been diabetes-free almost 8 months. My doctor was shocked when I told him that I hadn’t needed an insulin shot for weeks. He had to test my blood sugar himself to believe it. Your Product “Hypoglycemic Capsules even helped to jumpstart my pancreas and reverse my diabetes in just 90 days of using it, Thank you so much Mr Vincent.!” Dr. Peter from VGC, Lagos State  “I felt overwhelmed by my diabetes. I was always tired at work, and I couldn’t keep up with my kids anymore! Just the thought of vacation, or even a day on the town, made me feel exhausted. Diabetes made me feel like a prisoner in my own life. I’m so glad I found this scientifically proven supplement to reverse my Type 2 diabetes. It’s not untested, junk science. It’s a proven, practical medication to jumpstart your pancreas and get your body to regulate your blood sugar again. I’m living proof that it works…


 I haven’t needed diabetes medication for over 6 months! Everybody with Type 2 diabetes needs to get this powerful remedy now, so they can reverse their diabetes in just a few weeks.”  Esther from Sun Centre in Abuja,  She said: “The Hypoglycemic Capsules saved my life! My disease was getting worse and worse. And it seemed like my diabetes medication wasn’t doing anything. My neuropathy was the worst part. I always had a painful tingling in my hands – it made everyday life so difficult! I knew I had to make a change. That’s when I found the hypoglycemic capsules. I followed the dosage to jumpstart my pancreas, and all of a sudden my neuropathy disappeared, and I had the energy I needed again. I went back to my doctor a few weeks later, and he was shocked at how healthy I was. I haven’t needed my diabetes medication for months!” Charlotte in Kaduna. “I’ve had Type-2 Diabetes for years. I was constantly worried about my blood sugar levels. I never had any energy, and I always had to be careful what I ate. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get my diabetes under control. I felt trapped, and I felt like a burden on my family. But then I used the hypoglycemic capsules to jumpstart my pancreas so as to reverse my diabetes, and now my family can barely keep up with me. I’m eating my favorite foods, and doing the things I love. Your supplement gave me a life back. Thank you for saving my life!” Kelly in Sacramento, California  “I was testing my blood sugar 9 or 10 times every day. I injected insulin so often I felt like a pincushion. You know your diabetes is bad when you develop calluses too thick to draw blood through! I felt chained to my refrigerator, where I kept my insulin. Just the thought of vacation, or even a day on the town, made me anxious about making sure I could get to my insulin when I needed it. Diabetes was stealing my happiness. Since I’ve discovered your supplement “Hypoglycemic capsules”, everything is better. I stopped just managing my symptoms, and started naturally jumpstarting my pancreas. In just two months, I was down to needing just 1 insulin shot per day. Three month using the supplement, I used the last insulin shot I ever needed. Since then, I’ve been diabetes free. Thank you for taking away my anxiety and letting me feel happy again!”  Sarah from Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Now that you’ve seen how it worked for them, I want you to see what it’ll do for you. Before I sign off, I really want you to think for a moment about your future and your family. What will happen if you don’t make any changes? What will happen if you let your diabetes destroy your life? Every day, for the rest of your life, you’ll have to go through the annoyance and pain of blood tests and insulin injections. You’ll try medicine after medicine, with no results except dangerous side effects, like nausea, weight gain, and heart disease. Not to mention all the vacations, new cars, and other luxuries you won’t be able to afford because you’re spending all your money on your diabetes medication. Until the day you die, you’ll be a burden on your friends and family But even that torture won’t be enough to stop the slow decay of your body. Each day, you’ll have less energy. Each month, your body will get worse and worse. How long until your foot won’t stop tingling, and then goes completely numb? How long until the doctor tells you they have to cut it off? How many amputations will you go through before diabetes leads you to an early death? Now, I’m sorry if this scares you, but sometimes I feel like I have to be direct. After all, this was the direction my life was heading until I discovered how to Destroy My Type 2 Diabetes. Listen: this doesn’t have to happen to you. Does Hypoglycemic Capsules really work? Yes! Like I said, virtually every single person who has completed the supplement has been able to reverse their diabetes. It jumpstarts your pancreas to start producing enough insulin again, and retrains your body to absorb and use that insulin. Obviously, you can’t just buy this supplement and then never use it. Its works, if you take it as prescribed which is 1 capsules daily. How soon can I stop taking my medication? Remember, I recommend you use the 3 bottles to naturally reverse your diabetes. Dr. Taylor’s study showed that within 90 days, every participant had brought their blood sugar down to normal levels, and reversed their disease. Around half reversed their disease at 60 days. The fastest recorded was 28 days. So depending on factors like your genetics, the severity of your disease, and how committed you are to the supplement, most people will destroy their Type 2 Diabetes in between 60 and 90 days. Is it scientifically proven? Absolutely. The Hypoglycemic Capsules is based on research at Newcastle University in England, Harvard University here in the US, and dozens of other studies. There have been studies all over the world showing that these principles can reverse your type 2 diabetes. Here Is How To Make an Order and receive it while you make payment upon delivery… As a busy man, I can’t personally handle the calls and messages that may come from this, so i decided to find people that can help me out. I was fortunate enough to talk with a particular marketing company to help me out. the company is called” Edenet Media and Marketing”, they are the ones helping me to distribute this product. So, this enterprise will be responsible for receiving your order, attending to you and all the questions. they will even help bring the product to you. I have told them not to collect money from you first until they bring the product to you face to face. In this case, you only pay when the product has been brought to you face to face. You don’t have to pay first, once you place your order… The products are already with them. so they will call you to arrange delivery. … delivery usually will take 24hrs to at most 4 days. NOTE: Please, Do Not Place an Order if you are not ready to pay and receive Your Product within 4 days. Though, i will advise you to receive the product fast so you can start using it. This will enable you to start seeing result faster. I wonder why you would want to delay when you see this kind of solution. I was sceptic too but i took action immediately and that’s why i am sharing this testimony with you. Look, if at all i didn’t take a bold step to try this remedy, there’s no way i would have been here sharing my success story with you. I know as human; we are filled with doubt but let try to act upon any situation faster before it gets worsen. If i didn’t take the risk to try this product despite my low financial status, i would have been dead today because i know how bad it was. So my brother and sister, i will say… if you can afford it, go for it. if you can buy for others, try to do so. There’s always a reward for our good did. If you are not financially ready, don’t bother ordering. Why i am giving this warning is because of some un-serious people. I know Nigeria is filled with wonderful people. some people will place an order and when this guy’s helping me to distribute this product calls to deliver, the same person that order will give an excuse of how he/she thought i was joking. Some order and when the delivery agent call to deliver, they give excuses, which is really unfair. In as much as i am not charging for delivery… I pay this enterprise helping me out. I still want the whole world to know about my unique, life-changing discovery. So that is why I am pleading with you to only order if you are ready to receive your order within the estimated days (2 – 4 Days) and you should please keep the money for the product. How To Book or Place An Order For Hypoglycemic Capsules. To get hypoglycemic capsules, you will need to Place an order by sending a text message. But before that, if you have any question or Clarification before you order, call the customer service representative with the below Phone Number: 07058714930 or 09022667867 Please in case you call and the number is busy, kindly send a text message and the customer service representative will reply you. Due to demands, the phone number is always very busy. Otherwise, If You’re Okay with every words on this page, You can go ahead and place your order by sending an SMS/Text Message with the below details to 07058714930 or 09022667867 – Your Full Name,– Your Full address + LGA/State,– Your Phone Number (Provide 2 Numbers If available),– Specify the number of bottle(s) you are ordering + Product Name eg. 3 Hypoglycemic Capsules DON’T FORGET ALL SMS SHOULD BE SEND TO  07058714930 or 09022667867 Customer Service Representative: 07058714930 or 09022667867  For orders in Lagos, expect your item to get to you within the same day or next day, while for orders outside Lagos, depending on the state/city, you will receive your items within 2 – 4 days. OR FILL THE ORDER FORM BELOW Now, let me share the easiest, most relaxing trick that I use to lower my blood sugar after I eat something sweet: Go for a short walk. It’s that easy, and who doesn’t love getting outside for a few minutes? Researchers at the University of Washington found that even light exercise – like walking – after eating will lower your blood sugar for up to 24 hours. It’s the perfect little boost to helping the Hypoglycemic Capsules. make these next few weeks the most life-changing time you’ve ever experienced. I mean that – now that you know the truth, nothing can ever be the same again. It’s time to be free from your disease. Now that I’ve shown you the proof that Hypoglycemic Capsules works, it’s up to you to try it for yourself. Thank You, Hypoglycemic Capsules Beneficiary

Global Digital Diabetes Management Market Expected to reach USD 24.8 Billion by 2025, Says Study


A new market study, titled “Global Digital diabetes management Market Size study, by product and services (devices, digital diabetes management apps, data management software and platforms and services) Type (handheld devices and wearable devices) End-user (Self/Home Healthcare, Hospitals & Specialty Diabetes Clinics and academic & research institutes) and Regional Forecasts 2018-2025” has been featured on WiseGuyReports. Global digital diabetes management market to reach USD 24.8 billion by 2025. Global Digital diabetes management Market valued approximately USD 4.5 billion in 2017 is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 23.8 % over the forecast period 2018-2025. Growing adoption of cloud-based enterprise solutions for diabetes management and increasing penetration of digital platforms are some key trends supplementing the growth of the global digital diabetes management market over the forecast period of 2018-2025. Key driving factors for the digital diabetes management market are rising prevalence of diabetes coupled with the changing lifestyles that results in to unhealthy dietary habits and patterns. According the Health Metrics – American Heart Association, in 2010 the prevalence of diabetes for adults was recorded to be 6.4% globally. This is expected to increase and reach up to 7.7% by the end of 2030, across the globe. Similarly, as per the MRC United Kingdom 2015, the estimated diabetes prevalence for adults between age group of 20-79 worldwide was around 387 million in 2014 which is estimated to reach around 592 million people by 2023. As a result, people suffering from diabetes are prone to nerve damages which are expected to boost the growth of the digital diabetes management market during the forecast period of 2018-2025. Furthermore, increasing diabetes related health expenditure in emerging countries offers lucrative growth prospects for the digital diabetes management market across the globe. However, high cost associated with devices along with the low penetration rate are expected to hinder the growth of the market during the forecast period. On the basis of segmentation, the digital diabetes management market is segmented into product & services, type and end-user. The product segment of global digital diabetes management market is classified into devices, digital diabetes management apps, data management software and platforms and services. The type segment of global digital diabetes management market includes handheld devices and wearable devices of which wearable devices dominates the market owing to the growing adoption if smart insulin pumps and technological advancements. Based on end-user segment, the market is diversified into Self/Home Healthcare, Hospitals & Specialty Diabetes Clinics and academic & research institutes of which self/home healthcare segment hold the leading position owing to the shift towards home care and self-management of diabetes. The regional analysis of digital diabetes management market is considered for the key regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and ROW. North America holds the leading position in Digital diabetes management market owing to the growing demand for technologically advanced solution such as closed-loop systems, favorable reimbursement policies and government efforts to promote digital health. Whereas, Asia-Pacific is expected to emerge as the fastest growing region in terms of market share. The growth of Asia-Pacific region is witnessed owing to improving healthcare infrastructure and services in rural areas. The leading market players include-              Medtronic PLC              Hoffmann-La Roche              Dexcom, Inc.              Ascensia Diabetes Care Holdings Ag.              Abbott Laboratories              B. Braun Melsungen AG              Tidepool              Glooko, Inc.              Lifescan, Inc. (A Subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson)              Agamatrix, Inc. Request Free Sample Report at The objective of the study is to define market sizes of different segments & countries in recent years and to forecast the values to the coming eight years. The report is designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within each of the regions and countries involved in the study. Furthermore, the report also caters the detailed information about the crucial aspects such as driving factors & challenges which will define the future growth of the market. Additionally, the report shall also incorporate available opportunities in micro markets for stakeholders to invest along with the detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product offerings of key players. The detailed segments and sub-segment of the market are explained below: By Product and Services:              Devices o             Smart Insulin Pens o             Smart Glucose Meters o             Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems o             Smart Insulin Pumps/Closed Loop Systems & Smart Insulin Patches              Digital Diabetes management apps o             Weight & Diet Management Apps o             Diabetes & Blood Glucose Tracking Apps              Data Management Software and Platforms              Services By Type:              Handheld devices              Wearable devices By End-user:              Self/Home Healthcare              Hospitals & Specialty Diabetes Clinics              Academic & Research Institutes By Regions:              North America o             U.S. o             Canada              Europe o             UK o             Germany o             ROE              Asia Pacific o             China o             India o             Japan o             ROAPEC              LAMEA o             Brazil o             Mexico              ROW o             Middle East & Africa Furthermore, years considered for the study are as follows: Historical year – 2015, 2016 Base year – 2017 Forecast period – 2018 to 2025 Target Audience of the Global Digital diabetes management Market in Market Study:              Key Consulting Companies & Advisors              Large, medium-sized, and small enterprises              Venture capitalists              Value-Added Resellers (VARs)              Third-party knowledge providers              Investment bankers              Investors   TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Global Digital Diabetes Management Market Definition and Scope Chapter 2. Research Methodology Chapter 3. Executive Summary Chapter 4. Global Digital Diabetes Management Market Dynamics Chapter 5. Global Digital Diabetes Management Market, By Product and Services Chapter 6. Global Digital diabetes management Market, By type Chapter 7. Global Digital diabetes management Market, By End-user Chapter 8. Global Digital diabetes management Market, by Regional Analysis Chapter 9. Competitive Intelligence About Us: Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Contact Us: NORAH TRENT                                                     Ph: +1-646-845-9349 (US)                           Ph: +44 208 133 9349 (UK)           

Fitbit, Solera Health expand partnership to reduce risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Solera network participants enrolled in diabetes prevention programs who used Fitbit devices had higher activity levels and increased weight loss Fitbit, the global wearables brand, and Solera Health, an integrated benefit network, announced they have expanded their partnership to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by using the Fitbit platform through Solera Health’s innovative model to encourage positive behavior changes, such as increased physical activity and weight loss. Based on an analysis of more than 1,700 people who enrolled in the National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) through the Solera network, Solera found that participants who redeemed a Fitbit device were more active and lost more weight during the program than those who did not. Now, the companies are making the latest Fitbit devices, Fitbit Inspire™ and Inspire HR™, available to all Solera DPP participants, including Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. Type 2 diabetes affects more than 30 million American adults and costs the U.S. approximately $327 billion annually in direct medical expenses and lost productivity. Yet, the onset of disease can be delayed – or even prevented – among the 84 million U.S. adults at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Research has shown that people with prediabetes who lost 5% of their body weight through healthier eating and 150 minutes of activity per week cut their risk of developing type 2 diabetes in half. This intervention strategy is the foundation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National DPP, which is now a covered preventive service for all Medicare beneficiaries. Solera contracts with health plans and employers to match individuals with the best-fit digital or community-based DPP that meets each person’s unique needs and preferences. To date, Solera has enrolled over 100,000 people in the National DPP through its network model. Adam Pellegrini, general manager, Fitbit Health Solutions said, “At Fitbit, we have spent the last 12 years empowering people to live healthier lives, and we believe that a proactive approach is essential to the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes. We are focused on addressing some of the most common and costly conditions in healthcare – and diabetes is a top priority. Through our work with Solera over the past two years, we have shown that Solera’s model, based on proven health outcomes, coupled with our innovative devices, motivating platform and proven behavior change principles, is an effective combination for preventing type 2 diabetes.” Beginning in 2017, Solera began offering Fitbit devices to individuals who used Solera to enroll in community-based or digital DPPs. Solera conducted an analysis of more than 1,700 people who enrolled between January 1, 2017 and March 31, 2017. Brenda Schmidt, CEO of Solera Health said, “Solera is thrilled to enter a strategic partnership with Fitbit as there are many market synergies between what the two companies are doing to improve the health of those at risk for type 2 diabetes. Our unique ability to connect individuals with the best-fit DPP to meet their needs and preferences, paired with Fitbit’s easy-to-use wearable devices, has the potential to significantly alter how populations approach chronic disease prevention and management. We look forward to scaling this partnership further in order to help future program participants maintain and improve their health.” Fitbit Inspire™ and Fitbit Inspire HR™ were designed for and made available first to health plans, employers and health systems. They meet the specific needs of the healthcare industry with a sleek, easy-to-use tracker form factor, core health and fitness features, cross-platform compatibility, up to 5 days battery lifev and the software and social experience that motivate users at an approachable price point. The devices are currently available to plan members and employees of Fitbit Health Solutions partners and customers, including Humana, Adobe, and Domino’s, among others.

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